35'x50' Campsites (Average size)
30 and/or 50 Amp Electric
All sites have Water, Electric, and Sewer
Updated Wifi Available to Most Campsites
No Cable, Satellite Suggested.
*As Indian Rock is NOT a residential property and is solely a vacation property, school age children are welcome only during summer vacation months.
We will not permit any person to reside in our campground. We are a vacation property and as such, may not be a residence.
We will only accommodate visitors who are employed in the area on a specific job for a specific amount of time.
Retirees with a residence outside of NJ may be eligible for an extended stay.
Out of State Contract and Union Workers, extended jobs, etc. are welcome.
Extended visits to the area for specific reasons may be within the parameters, please call.
We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.